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Healthy Cooking

Upskill, Upscale & Uplift

Personal development hub for all caretakers across countries


About Leelah 

Investing in those who matter in our home. 


Choose from our video online courses for skills that interest and cater to your needs. Below are examples from our courses. 

Caring for Alzheimer's Patients: Insomnia

Our Alzheimer's Care Course is perfect for those who want to enhance their hometakers existing skills or learn a new skill. This course offers classes at different times, allowing you to choose a schedule that fits your caretaker's availability. With our experienced instructors and hands-on approach, your caretaker will gain valuable knowledge and practical experience. If you're interested in this program, you can enroll straight away.

Caring for Alzheimer's Patients: Depression

Our Alzheimer's Care Course is perfect for those who want to enhance their hometakers existing skills or learn a new skill. This course offers classes at different times, allowing you to choose a schedule that fits your caretaker's availability. With our experienced instructors and hands-on approach, your caretaker will gain valuable knowledge and practical experience. If you're interested in this program, you can enroll straight away.

Cooking Course

At Leelah, we believe in empowering individuals through knowledge. Our Cooking Course is designed to help your caretaker to become more than just a housekeeper but also, a skilled and effective individual.  We are passionate about unlocking your potential and providing you with the necessary tools to make a difference. Enroll today to learn more.

Housekeeping Skills

If your caretaker wishes to grow, our Housekeeping Course is the perfect choice.. This course is designed to provide your caretaker with a solid foundation and equip them with extra skills to distinguish themselves from others. If this sounds like the perfect fit for your caretaker, please don't hesitate to enroll today.

Quizzes and more



Questionnaire and quizzes for users enabling them to learn and test new skills while providing documented proof of their capabilities. Help prospective employers trust the users claimed skills. 

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Create satisfication upon all parties 

Have a rippling effect to uplift the families of the users and their employers.


Workers Compensation 

Users can establish a compensation structure based on the points earned through our skill assessment questionnaire

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What our clients say

"အွန်လိုင်းဗီဒီယိုတွေကြည့်ရတာ အရမ်းပျော်တယ်။ အယ်လ်ဇိုင်းမားရောဂါရှိသူတွေကို ဘယ်လိုဂရုစိုက်ရမလဲဆိုတာ သင်ပေးတယ်။"

Da, Caretaker

Stationary photo





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